Oenis is a slang term that many people utilize. Some may even use it in conjunction with the problem of skin tags. The two things are not the same, but there is some truth in regard to tags overall and the idea of what oenis means. In order to understand the two things, you’ll need to understand what the slang terminology refers to in this regard. You’ll find that oenis is a term that stands for viral infections, sexually transmitted diseases that cover the genitals, with swelling, bumps, and a burning sensation when urinating.
What Exactly Are Skin Tags?
Skin tags are small growths that come up from the dermis. They occur due to friction of the dermis. Whenever skin rubs against itself, you may find a small growth come up from the skin. This is something that can be due to a variety of issues, aside from simple friction. Some of the most common medical solutions that can be attributed to this problem include diabetes, obesity, HPV infection, allergic reactions to clothing or metals, pregnancy, and other irritations of the skin. A growth appears up from the dermis. It’s that simple.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
There are a lot of different sexually transmitted infections that one can get. You may find yourself dealing with this at one point or another. Having unprotected sex can cause these issues, and symptoms may not immediately come up. In regard to tags, you may mistake them for warts. Warts and skin tags may look similar, but they are not the same. Bumps, irritable skin, lesions, boils, and other elements on the genitals are also common due to sexually transmitted illnesses, and require a professional’s assistance. Without a doctor’s diagnosis, you will not be able to get rid of these things.
Getting Rid of Skin Tags
Skin tags are not anything to worry about. They are cosmetic in nature. However, you need to understand that anything on the genitals, including tags themselves, are not something that you should wait to heal. You may need to get a doctor’s advice about this, and get a helping hand. They can provide you with a medication that will help remove the issue, and help outbreaks from coming back. This includes infections that can cause symptoms such as bumps, discoloration, burning urination, and other issues. Sexually transmitted diseases that cause pain, irritation, bleeding, and discharge are not the same as skin tags, though they may seem related.
Skin Tags Not Part of STD’s
If your tags do not have a link to STD’s or anything along those lines, you can remove them at home. You can use items like tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, and even acne medication. These can help dry out the tag and let it fall off without incident. However, you’re going to find that you will need to apply these things directly to the tag, and be patient. It may not immediately fall off without a bit of time. Skin tags that are not associated with HPV, or any other infections, are not to be too concerned about. However, if you do have any viral infection that is sexual in nature, you will need to see a doctor.