Can I Get Skin Tags From Biking (Cycling)?

There are a lot of people that are active, and yet still manage to get tags forming on their body. Skin tags are often associated to weight gain, and other issues with the body’s skin. But you may find that even with great exercise and attention to detail on your diet, you may have tag formation. That leads many to wonder why these occur, and if something as simple as biking (cycling) could be the root cause. Once you understand this at a deeper level, you’ll no doubt see why you may be getting tags from something that is beyond what you may think. Consider a few notes about this, and how you may be able to reduce the process a bit.

What Are Skin Tags?

Skin tags are growths that come up on the dermis. They are simple elements that are benign, and do not hurt. They do not hurt, they do not bleed or discharge. They come up throughout the body, especially anywhere that has a crease, fold, or high heat index due to the way the skin stretches or moves. You’ll find that this is common on the ears, eyelids, nose, waistline, underarms, and even under breast tissue. These areas are prone to getting tags is because there is friction. Friction is the main issue.

When the dermis rubs against itself, it forms a small mound, known as a skin tag. This is something that is not going to cause much harm, but it could be linked to medical concerns. Some of the medical issues associated with this issue includes diabetes, weight gain, insulin resistance, steroids, and even allergic reaction. A doctor can diagnose the issue on a deeper level.

Can One Get Skin Tags From Biking?

If you’re a cyclist, and you’re constantly using your bike, you may get tags around the groin, anus, or even legs. The reason why this occurs is because the momentum of cycling causes the skin around various areas of your lower body to rub against one another. The friction that comes with cycling causes circulation to push through collagen to the skin, and the dermal layers raise slightly to create a tag. That is why cycling can cause skin tags, however, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the only culprit on your body.

What To Do With Skin Tags?

Skin tags may be removed by a dermatologist or general practitioner. You can also use holistic solutions such as apple cider vinegar. Using this on the tags for several weeks, you’ll be able to gain the upper hand against tags. The tags will dry out and will fall away with time. You can also use essential oils such as tea tree, garlic, and even lemon. These elements take time to get through to results. If you feel that the issue is not going away or starts to change color, or gets more irritated, call a professional for help. A professional can help with removal, and diagnosis of the bigger issue, if there is one.