Do skin tags occur at the external genitalia like the labia majora and labia minora?

Skin tags are small growths that come up from the dermis. They appear in a variety of locations due to creases, folds, and wrinkles in the skin. Wherever there’s the possibility of friction, issues can arise. The most common places where skin tags form include the neck, waistline, under breasts, under arms, ears, and even pubic region. For men and women, the pubic region can get tags, including on genitalia. However, there is a fine line between tags and sexually transmitted warts. The two are different, but they can be confusing to see, and in some instances, can cause someone to panic. Before you panic, consider a few notes on what to do, and what to look for if you believe you have tags on your genitalia.

What Exactly Skin Tags?

Skin tags are not uncommon. They can be linked to medical issues, but when they appear on the genitalia, it may be due to infection. The common issue could be HPV infection. However, it’s imperative to realize that this is not always the case. HPV infection, as well as other infections that are sexually transmitted will come with itching, redness, and other problems associated with that.

Women can get tags formed on the outside of the genitalia. Labia major and labia minora could have a tag. These are not warts. Warts come with infection, and could lead to itching and more. Tags do not itch, do not bleed, and do not hurt in many instances. You will not have to worry about them, and will not have to deal with major issues. To answer the initial question, yes, skin tags can come out on the labia. It’s due to friction in most cases, not due to infection in some instances.

Are Skin Tags Warts?

Genital warts and skin tags are not the same. They may look the same, they may even feel the same, but they are not. Genital warts are due to sexually transmitted disease. They are also going to hurt, discharge, and could lead to other issues. You cannot remove these without addressing the larger issue. The bigger issue here is sexually transmitted disease. This is something that is not going to be easy to work with, and you’ll need to ask a professional for assistance with that. They can remove tags, and even warts, but if you have an infection that is causing them, you will not be able to just leave them alone.

How Are Tags Removed?

Tag removal can be done with topical solutions. However, you may also be able to visit a doctor to get a helping hand. They can remove these through cryotherapy, topical lancing, and more. Professionals can do this in their office, with relative precision and ease. You will not have to deal with any major problems associated with this issue, so long as you don’t pull, cut, or try to pop the tag. That is not going to do anything but make matters worse. Again, skin tags are benign, and do not hurt, but can appear on the labia. Asking a doctor may be a good course of action, just in case.