Does jewelry cause skin tags? What to know about skin tags?

Skin tags are benign growths that come up from the dermis. They are simple irregular elements that come out of the skin, and are not hard, do not bleed, and will not cause much issue. However, they are unsightly. There are several root causes that may come with this issue. In many instances, however, you do not need to worry about any underlying medical problems, unless they keep coming back after removal. Could jewelry be the main culprit? The short answer is, yes, but the longer answer requires you to understand the bigger picture that comes with tags and skin issues.

What Exactly Are Skin Tags?

Tags on the skin are not cancerous. They are not pimples, or even warts. They come up when skin rubs against itself. Whenever dermis folds, wrinkles, and stretches, you’ll find that tags raise up from the top layers. The overgrowth causes small raised plateaus. In most cases, age is a factor with these. However, men, women, and children may also get these. Heredity is one of the main causes for this, as well as physical location, and underlying medical concerns.

Some of the medical concerns that can be associated with skin tags include obesity, diabetes, hormonal shifts, pregnancy, HPV infection, and allergic reaction to precious metals. Precious metals such as jewelry could very well cause a great deal of issue, and even cause skin tags to rise. The reason why this occurs is because the skin has an allergic reaction to the oil and elements that are in the metals of jewelry. This prompts the body to send collagen to the dermal layers and cause a small growth to appear.

Are Skin Tags Dangerous? Should You Worry?

The short answer here is, no. Most people get skin tags and they can be removed with home care, and holistic solutions. You can also get a doctor’s opinion on the matter if you feel that there are medical concerns that line up with this issue. Skin tags are not dangerous, they are not cancerous, and will most often go away with topical solutions.

Getting Rid of Skin Tags

If you have skin tags and it’s a result of jewelry, then stop wearing the precious metals. The next thing to do is to use topical solutions to help your tags fall away. This includes acne medication, hemorrhoid creams, astringents, and even apple cider vinegar. In the case of vinegar, you will want to apply this 3 times a day, for several weeks. In regard to the other solutions, you will just need to follow them as directed.

When it comes to skin tags, you can easily use over the counter options. However, if you are worried, you can ask a professional to diagnose the issue. A professional will help you understand what the root cause may be, and whether or not you need prescription or more. In the end, skin tags are cosmetic more often than not. Do not panic if you have these issues overall, as they are not cancerous, and do not cause much issue in the long term.