Does lysine and lotion help with skin tags management?

Millions of people have irritations on their skin. One of the most common irritations can lead to tag formation. Skin tags grow up through the dermis due to friction, folds, wrinkles, and even allergic reactions to the dermal layers. Whenever there’s friction, a small growth will appear. This small growth is irregular in size, and doesn’t hurt. It will not cause pain, bleed, or even discharge. There are some causes that you should know about this, as it should not warrant panic.

What Are The Causes of Skin Tags?

Skin issues are associated with a few causes. Aside from just dermal irritation, you may find that there are a few medical causes that are underlying issues. These include obesity, diabetes, steroid use, scratches, heredity, and even pregnancy. These issues cause small growths to appear around various parts of the body. The most common areas include the ears, nose, neck, waistline, under arms, and under breasts. Wherever there is skin that can rub against itself, a small tag may form.

What Are The Symptoms of Skin Tags?

Skin tag symptoms are varied. However, they do not cause pain, they do not show any major problem aside from cosmetic issue in most cases. If there’s bleeding, discharge, or there’s a rash that follows, this is not something that is tag related, and could be warts, etc. It’s something that is somewhat different, and will require a professional opinion on the matter.

Getting Rid of Skin Tags

There are a variety of different ways that you can get rid of skin tags overall. The most common solution is that of topical options. You can use topical solutions such as acne medication, hemorrhoid cream, and other options on the tag itself. However, besides that, you’ll find that you can use some medicated lotions. For instance, lysine and lotion could help with removing skin tags overall.

This is a solution that you will apply directly to the tag. You will want to apply this twice a day to the tag for several weeks. It will cause the skin irritant to fall away. When it falls away, it will drop without a scar. It just takes time. You need to wait for this to come through and fall away.

When To Call A Doctor About Skin Tags

Moving forward, you are going to need to call a doctor in some instances. When you see your tags start to deform, if there’s no removal after using lysine and lotion, or you see the issue spread across several different parts of your body, call a professional. A professional can figure out if there’s an underlying link that you will need to consider overall.

At the end of the day, you’ll find that most people will not have to deal with skin tags by visiting a professional. You can use topical solutions. However, it takes time to work with. Do not expect speedy removal at home. A doctor can remove them outright, within a few minutes. Lysine and lotion can help, but it takes time to reach the root of the tag itself.