How to get rid of age spots and skin tags as you age?

Skin tags are small growths that come up from the dermis. They are irregular in shape, they are not zits, warts, or anything too crazy to deal with. In fact, many people will find that they are normal, and will not hurt, bleed, discharge, or cause any sort of issue. However, they are not cosmetically appealing, which is why many people will want to get rid of them. If you want to get rid of these, you should know what they are, and how to proceed with caution.

What Are Skin Tags Exactly?

The small growth on the skin is caused by friction. Whenever the skin rubs against itself, it can cause a small growth. This growth is flesh toned, raised, and has a core. It can also be rooted in a variety of problems such as obesity, diabetes, HPV, and even allergic reaction. However, more often than not, it’s a matter of skin stretching, folding, and creasing, as with age.

What Not To Do With Skin Tags

Before getting into how to get rid of age spots and skin tags, you should first know what not to do. You do not want to pull, scratch, or try to pop these things. They are not going to remove easily if you do that. In fact, you can cause further irritation, and that could lead to a variety of issues, even spreading them. You don’t want to just start trying to remove them, that won’t work at all. You will need to utilize simple methodology that will help you get rid of them naturally. Pulling, itching, scratching, and forcing removal is going to cause pain, and will not lead to remove in many instances.

Topical Solutions Work Best

Going forward, you’re going to want to look into topical solutions first. This means that you’re going to apply something directly to the skin. The most commonly used option is that of acne medication. This has an astringent in it that will allow the core to dry out and then fall off overall. It’s an easy option that most people don’t really understand until they see it in action. Apply acne medication to the skin tag, and within a week or two, the tag will fall off.

Another topical solution that people use is apple cider vinegar. This is an option that you can apply directly to the skin. Use a cotton ball to get the vinegar and place it on the tag directly. Once you do that, you’ll find that the tag will fall off naturally. It takes a little bit of time, and you need to apply the solution 3 times a day, for several weeks to see a result.

Tea tree oil is another good option to remove skin tags naturally. You will need to once again apply this to the skin that you want to heal up, 3 times a day. Once you do this, you’ll find that within a few weeks’ time, your tags will fall away naturally, without scarring or any sort of worry.