How to get rid of skin tags hanging just outside my anus and on the areola nipples of my breast?

Millions of individuals will be getting skin tags at one point or another. They are benign, and do not cause any major issue for the most part. However, they may get irritated and may end up in areas that are less than stellar. For instance, some individuals will get these tags outside of the anus or even on the areola nipples of breast tissue. Whenever skin has friction, a small tag may form, and hang across the skin. These are not anything to be alarmed about. While these can occur on the neck, nose, waistline, and other areas, they can occur on the anus and nipples as well. Exploring why these form and how to remove them, you’ll find that there are a few things you can learn about this issue.

Cause and Symptoms Associated With Tags

Skin tags form whenever there is friction. When there is friction amidst the skin, you’ll find that collagen pushes through and causes a small irregular sized growth. Whenever the rubbing of skin occurs, these plateaus can rise upward through the dermis. There are some medical conditions that can cause problems with skin irritation and tags. Some of these include obesity, diabetes, HPV infection, steroid use, and allergic reactions.

The symptoms associated with tags of this type are not complex. They simply appear in a variety of areas where friction comes through. They are not painful, they do not cause irritation, do not bleed, and do not pose much threat down the line. Once you understand that these are common, you may be able to remove them with the right solutions.

Removing Skin Tags Properly

There are a lot of different things that you can do to work through tags and remove them. Most often, people utilize topical solutions. For instance, you’ll find that essential oils can help. You can place oils on the tag themselves, and allow them to dry out. You can use oils such as tea tree, eucalyptus, and even garlic. You will need a cotton ball, some of the oil, and then apply it to the tag itself. You will need to do this 3 times a day, and continue to do this until the tag falls off. It will occur in several weeks of time.

Another option that you can utilize is hemorrhoid cream, and even acne medication. These are options that can work by simply applying the options directly to the tag. The tag will dry out, and the skin will cause the issue to fall away with relative ease. Now, in regard to the anus or areola, you can apply these topical elements with relative ease. Just apply these options to where you want your skin tag to fall off without a scab or a scar.

If these options do not work, consider calling a professional. A dermatologist can use cryotherapy or another solution to get the tags removed properly. They can also see if you’re linked to another issue, such as a medical malady. Topical options are easy to work with, overall, and do in fact work well.