How to numb skin tags before cutting?

Skin tags form on the dermis of millions of people. There are millions of people today that are dealing with this, and it’s really a cosmetic issue. It’s not a big problem for most, because it doesn’t hurt, won’t discharge, and will not cause problems. It’s something simple to deal with, and can easily be removed. While tags can occur in men, women, and children, it’s something that should not cause alarm. If you’re interested in removing these at home, you may find it necessary to cut them. But before you do this, you may want to numb the area. With that in mind, consider a few notes in regard to removing skin tags, and understanding the bigger picture associated with this.

What Causes Skin Tags?

Tags are caused by a variety of different issues. The most common of problems is that of friction. Whenever the skin rubs against itself, you’ll find that you may have a small growth coming up. The rubbing can occur in a variety of areas, including the underarms, pubic area, waistline, neck, and other areas. Wherever there’s a wrinkle, fold, or crease, tags may form. There are some medical issues that may be linked to this. One of the linked issues may be obesity, pregnancy, hormonal shifts, HPV infection, allergic reaction, and other issues related to skin irritation. Irritated skin gets a rush of collagen pushed into the area, and drives up a small plateau, and that’s the main culprit to consider. If you suspect that there’s an underlying medical cause, then you may need to seek medical attention, as a doctor can diagnose the issue.

Numbing The Skin For Cutting Skin Tags Off

If you’re going to cut skin tags on your own, you will need to numb the skin. One way to do this is to use ice. You can place ice on the skin tag, allowing it to get really cold, and within a few moments cut the tag. You have to act fast, but allow the skin to remain cold when doing this. Your cutting device must be sterile, or you could risk getting infections on the dermis. Another numbing solution involves analgesics. You can use items like sports rub, or balm to help you numb the area. Anything with menthol can help with this, as well as using items that have benzocaine in them. This will numb the tag to allow you to cut the tag without much frustration or pain.

When To See A Doctor For Skin Tags

There are some individuals that will need to see a doctor for skin tag formation. People that need to see a doctor have tags that hurt, may reach the genitals, or have discharge. That’s because they are not tags at all, they may be warts or lesions. Doctors can focus on the issue, and help remove the tags outright with ease. Most often, you can use self-care at home with relative ease. Just make sure that you consider trying to cut items yourself, with the numbing ideas mentioned above. If that doesn’t work, then it’s time to ask a professional for an opinion.