How to treat skin tags after a hemorrhoidectomy?

People that are dealing with hemorrhoids are going to be dealing with a variety of discomforts that are related to the colon and anus. You see, this issue occurs in many people, with millions of cases worldwide. The problem associated with this is in the bowels. When the rectum has inflammation of the veins, you’ll find that they can lead to small polyps that are in the anus and can move outside of the tissue. This can cause a great deal of discomfort when going to the restroom, and even when sitting down. Some of the symptoms can be quite severe, including bleeding, itching, and a great deal of discomfort whenever having to use the bathroom. There are several ways to approach this problem, and one of the treatments that are given to individuals with chronic problems is that of hemorrhoidectomy.

What Is Hemorrhoidectomy?

This is a solution that is a bit extreme. When people have a severe case of hemorrhoids and nothing seems to work for them, they are given this solution as a last resort. This can help, but it can take 2 months of recovery after the surgery. This is a surgical solution that literally cuts out piles from the source. It takes the elements and cuts them out directly, allowing a person to recover from the severe pain that can come from them.

But there’s a problem that comes afterwards. During the recovery, skin tags may form around the anus, and that can be a bit of an issue for those that are trying to recover properly. If you have tags forming after the fact, you may want to remove them, as they are going to be uncomfortable, and difficult to deal with overall. How does one focus on this? Well there are a few things you can do to ease this and remove them naturally.

Hemorrhoid Creams

The first solution that you can test out, is that of hemorrhoid creams. These have medication that can help you remove the skin tags, naturally. They work by targeting the infection and getting to the root of the tag. In time, you’ll find that the tag will dry out and fall away naturally. It’s a simple option that is going to pay off dividends, especially when you will not have to deal with intrusive after care, or have to go back to the doctor. These are medicated elements that can help soothe the skin and help avoid complications from surgery after the fact.

Tea Tree Oil

Another solution that you can test out is that of tea tree oil. You can apply this oil to the skin tags themselves, and apply it 3 times a day. Within a few weeks, you’ll find that the tags that you have will fall off and will be easy to deal with. It will prevent further growths, and will assist with removing tags the right way. It’s a good solution to pursue, and it’s non-intrusive, nor is it going to complicate your recovery from hemorrhoidectomy. Topical solutions are going to be the best route in this case.