I have skin tags on my testicle balls and near my underwear line groin! How do I get rid of it?

Skin tags are benign tissue that can seem to be worse than they are. In nearly every case of tags growing on the skin, you’ll find that it’s more cosmetic than it is serious. While there are some instances where you will need to see a doctor, more often than not, you won’t have to deal with that scrutiny. With more than 3 million cases of this issue in the United States alone, you’ll find that you can have this problem manifest in a variety of locales. With that in mind, you’ll need to understand that tags are not to be worried about too much, and you can get rid of them at home, without much incident. However, you should know when to call a doctor, just in case. The following will help you understand these issues a bit more.

Skin Tags Around The Groin

First and foremost, some individuals mistake skin tags for warts and other problems. If the tag is on the genitals themselves, there may be an issue at play. However, if they are near or even on the testicles, they may or may not be due to sexually transmitted illness. In the case that they are not associated with sexual touching or any kind, you’ll find that they are nothing to be worried about, and you can get rid of them.

However, if you have been sexually active, and did not use protection, it may be time to go see a doctor just to check things out. They can determine whether the tags are an outbreak of something other than skin irritation.

What Causes Skin Tags Around The Groin

Anyone can get skin tags. However, when you get these around the groin, it’s due in large part to friction. You could be wearing underwear that is too tight, you may have exerted yourself too much and the skin rubbed against itself, and other elements. The formation of tags is due in large part to friction of dermal tissue against itself, so if there’s a crease, fold, or contact where skin hits itself, you will have a tag. That is not a cause for alarm, mind you.

Removing Skin Tags

If you indeed have a tag, and not warts or anything else related to sexually transmitted disease, you will need to use topical solutions to remove them. You can use something as simple as apple cider vinegar soaked into a cotton ball, and placed directly on the tags. Do this 3 times a day, for several weeks, and the tags will fall off naturally. It’s that simple. You can also use essential oils like tea tree oil, oregano oil, and other solutions that can assist as well. As long as you’re patient with the solution, you’ll find that you can remove the tags without having to see a doctor. However, in some instances, you will need to see a specialist, especially if they bleed, become red, or spread to the genitals, and form clusters. You may have a sexually transmitted disease, which requires treatment.