Is acromegaly responsible for the appearance of skin tags?

Skin tags are overgrowths on the skin that are not cancerous, and are not dangerous. They are simple growths that come up from the dermis. They do not hurt, they do not bleed, they do not cause discharge and often are just cosmetic in nature. You may find that there are a few elements that are medical in nature when it comes to these issues, but more often than not, it’s a matter of friction of the skin. When there is a dermal issue, irritation, or even an allergic reaction, you’ll find that tags are the result. You’ll find that there are some issues that you may need to deal with, for instance, acromegaly. While this can cause skin tags, it’s not the only thing to consider. Moving forward, consider a few notes in regard to acromegaly.

What Is Acromegaly?

Before getting into skin tags, you should know what acromegaly is and how it may cause problems with tags. This is an issue with the endocrine system. This is a problem that has everything to do with growth hormone. The growth hormone can push forward, you’ll find that there are issues with blood pressure, diabetes, and a variety of problems associated with insulin, and pituitary gland. As the push forward comes through the pituitary gland, you’ll find that the onset of changes of the body may occur.
Symptoms associated with this issue include an enlargement of features, including the jaw, face, cheekbones, hands, feet, and a push of growth hormone that is abnormal. There are few treatments for this, but there are a few that may help.

The Skin Tag Connection

Could skin tags be related to acromegaly? The short answer is, yes. The short answer is true because of the issue with diabetes, and insulin problems. The complications with type 2 diabetes causes the skin and circulation to push out the growths over the dermis. Too much growth hormone causes problems with the skin, and therefore allergens and growths are the norm. However, you’ll find that skin tags are not always related to this issue. Because of the growth, however, skin cells can rub against one another, and the dermis utilizes friction. Whenever there’s friction, the growth may come out on the face, eyelids, ears, nose, and waistline.

Removing Skin Tags

Removing skin tags can be simple. You can work with topical solutions such as acne medications, essential oils, and even hemorrhoid creams. You can also visit a doctor, and you could have the tags removed in an office through a variety of therapies. However, you’ll find that that isn’t going to help with acromegaly. This is something that you will need to get an endocrinologist to diagnose and help you with. Without the helping hand of a professional, you may have an excess amount of growth hormone that will cause further problems with diabetes, blood pressure, and much more. This is an issue that doesn’t come through until middle age, and it is something that left uncontrolled, could lead to death or worse. Skin tags, however, are part of the problem, but not always related to just the pituitary gland problem.