Preauricular tags vs skin tags! The National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) point of view

Skin issues that occur in children are common. You’ll find that many have small irritations, and skin rashes due to the fact that the dermis is sensitive. A child’s skin is sensitive from birth, and can take time to develop antibodies against stimuli of different types. Skin tags, for instance, are commonplace. Another common issue is that of preauricular tags, and the two may seem to be similar in nature, but they are completely different. The National Board of Medical Examiners have written at length about these issues, but have simplified them so that parents do not panic when they see this. Understanding what the issue is between both items can help you understand the bigger picture, overall.

What Are Skin Tags?

First and foremost, you’ll find that skin tags are nothing more than irritations on the dermis. They are raised platforms of irregular shape that come up due to friction. A baby’s skin may have creases, folds, and small deposits of fat as they grow and stretch with time. That causes the cellular elements of their dermis to rub against itself in areas, and that may cause a small growth. Skin tags are benign, they do not hurt, they will not bleed, nor will they cause much issue for the most part. These will go away, and can also be removed by a doctor without much issue. These are cosmetic, and not something to worry about.

What Are Preauricular Tags?

Preauricular tags are skin tags that com up on the ear of newborn children. They are like tags in the way that they look, and feel, but they are specifically located around the newborn’s ears. There are several causes to this, including heredity, genetic syndromes, and a problem with the sinus tract. Each one of these issues is solitary, and usually not combined. A doctor will be able to look to see whether or not this is just topical or if there’s a connection beneath the surface. A doctor will also check to see if there’s bleeding, or discharge from the pit site. They will also look for swelling, rash, and trouble breathing, coughing, and more. A doctor needs to give a physical examination of the tags in order to figure out what the root cause is, and what treatment is best to move forward with. A hearing test is also common in giving an examination of this solution.

Removal of Preauricular Skin Tags

Removal of tags requires a doctor. They will create a small incision in the area and remove the tag completely. Pediatricians will use a local anesthetic to ensure that the child does not feel any pain during the process. The base of the tag will be taken out, and there will be no major bleeding, or issue. There may be a small scar for a short time, but that will go away in time. Once these tags are removed, the issue will not come back. A doctor can do this in office, without staying overnight at a hospital. In both cases, skin tags and preauricular tags are benign, and should not cause panic for parents.