Why do my skin tags bleed so much? How to stop the ooze of blood?

Skin tags formation is not uncommon. It happens to men, women and children. There are a lot of different people that will face this issue at one point or another. It’s not something that you need to panic about, if you see them. Tags forming on the dermal occur due to friction, most often. Friction is the big deal that you’re going to need to consider moving forward. Friction can cause tags come up, and they are not anything too serious. If they bleed, or discharge, you may not have tags, you may have a different issue. However, it may occur in rare instances. Knowing more about tags will help you figure out the bigger picture here.

What Exactly Are Skin Tags?

As noted above, skin tags are small irregular growths that come up from the dermis. This is due in large part to friction. They can appear on the nose, neck, eyelids, under the arm, pubic area, and under breasts. Any location where you have skin that rubs against itself, you may have tag formation. There are some issues that are relegated to medical issues. Some of the medical issues that are associated with tags include obesity, diabetes, pregnancy, HPV infection, and allergic reactions to certain stimuli. These are benign, they do not hurt, and more importantly, they do not bleed. If there is blood, and it is continual, consider calling a doctor. You may have lesions or warts, and will need to take care of an underlying issue, not just tags overall.

What About Bleeding Tags?

If you do in fact have blood coming out of your skin tag, it’s not normal. These normally do not hurt, they do not bleed, and should not cause any more problem. However, if you have cut it, tied it, scratched it, or scrubbed it, you will find that you may have blood that comes out. Blood does come out if you cut it or harm it. The reason why this happens is because the core has circulation and bleeding occurs. This should not be prolonged. It will be somewhat simple to stop, and you can self-medicate in most instances.

How To Stop Bleeding From Skin Tags

Those that have bleeding coming from the tags, will need to stop it through normal means. You can use an antibiotic cream, and a band aid. That is it. You can put this in place, and the tag will heal without a scar. The scar will not show up, and you will not see a huge problem. Stopping the bleeding is simple, and easy to work with, as it is a small nick. Skin tags do not normally bleed, they do not discharge, and do not cause problems.

In the case that you feel that there’s something awry, or need help, call a professional. A doctor can diagnose the issue, and see if there’s an underlying concern. In most instances, you will not have an issue to deal with, as the tags can be removed fast. Once removed, you will not have to worry about tags at all.