Skin tags are small growths on the dermis that are benign. They do not pose any real threat, but they can be unsightly to look at. Millions of people are dealing with these, and they usually occur due to friction of the skin. When the dermis rubs against other patches of dermal tissue, it forms a small growth. That growth can look unsightly, but is rarely anything more than just a cosmetic issue. In most cases, you can easily get these removed, or use home remedies to have them fall off. One such solution that people are pursuing is found with Doterra Essential Oils. They can help with skin tags, however, it’s a matter of patience, and following the right guidelines to get them to work.
Exploring Skin Tags
Tags that grow on the skin are caused by friction. Whenever skin rubs against itself on a crease, fold, or any sort of area that causes the dermis to rub against itself, you’re going to get a growth. These are small, irregular shaped elements, and are not anything that should concern you too much. However, they can end up mutating, bleeding, itching, or more if they are not taken care of properly. If these things happen, you will need to call a professional to assist you.
In some instances, there are deeper causes that you may be concerned with in regard to skin issues. For instance, there have been some connections between tags and obesity, diabetes, HPV infection, pregnancy, steroid use, and even allergic reaction to tight clothing and precious metals. Either way, you’ll find that the growth that you have itself, is not going to cause a lot of issue, as it’s mostly cosmetic.
Getting Rid of Skin Tags
There are a variety of ways that you can relieve skin tags from the skin. If you visit a doctor, they are going to take the skin and remove the tag topically. They can do this through cryotherapy, lancing, or lasers. They can also prescribe a medication that can help remove them in time, but they can also diagnose the issue if it is a deeper problem.
As far as essential oils are concerned, especially those that are offered by Doterra, you can use them to remove skin tags.
Essential oils are concentrated elements that you can place on the skin topically. To get these to work, however, you’re going to need to apply the oil directly to the tag, 3 times a day. You can get a cotton ball and then use that to dab the tag, and apply the oil directly. People often grow impatient with this treatment as it doesn’t work within 24 hours. However, if you keep applying the oils, you will end up with a release from the tags. Essential oils such as oregano, eucalyptus, tea tree, garlic, and others can work wonders on the skin. You have to apply it 3 times a day, for weeks at a time, however, otherwise it will not work the way you want it to.