Are early stages of skin tags and your diet related?

Skin tags are non-cancerous cell growths that come up from the dermis. Millions of people get this on their skin, and it’s not something to be too concerned with in most instances. Millions of people will get these growths on the top of their skin, and in some instances, it will garner some panic. Don’t worry. In most cases, this is nothing more than a collagen push due to friction. You see, when skin rubs against itself across the body, whether in a crease or a fold, it will cause a small growth to appear. Tags on the skin will not hurt, will not bleed, and will not discharge at all. It’s easy to work with, and it’s easy to remove in most cases.

Understanding What Skin Tags Are

Moving forward, you’re going to find that the early stages of skin tags are due to friction, not necessarily much more. However, there are some medical issues that you’ll need to consider. The major problem associated with health is that of skin stretching, wrinkles, and weight gain. Weight gain, weight loss, insulin resistance, pregnancy, and more, can cause problems with friction. That friction is going to cause the body to send collagen to the dermis, which forms a small mound, or a tag.

It’s important to realize that this is not life threatening, it is not cancerous, and is more often a cosmetic thing, and nothing else. There are some issues with diet, especially if you have insulin resistance. Insulin resistance can lead to diabetes, and weight gain. These things will cause problems overall. That will cause circulation issues, and will bring up the cells to form tags, simple as that.

How Diet Causes Skin Tags

The big deal with dieting and skin tags is that you can gain weight. If you have high blood sugar, circulation issues will come through. Not only that, you can gain weight. If you gain weight, there may be more folds and creases in the skin. That is where tags form, and you end up with an issue overall. Again, these are not painful, they are not going to discharge, and will not necessarily be problematic overall. Your diet alone is not the issue, mind you, it’s the sugar, circulation issues, and insulin resistance that may be to blame.

Getting Rid of Skin Tags

Getting rid of tags starts with lifestyle change. Eating a healthy diet, drinking more water, and halting the consumption of saturated fats, and more, will help with this problem. Not only that, you can utilize things like acne medication, astringents, and even essential oils on the tags themselves can help remove the skin issue with time. A doctor may also help with removal, especially those that specialize in dermatology.

In the end, you’ll find that the major issue here is a matter of friction. Wherever your skin rubs against itself, you’ll find that the collagen will cause a mound to rise. Skin tags rise due to friction, and diet can cause an issue, simple as that.