Are high sugar and high cholesterol foods responsible for skin tags?

Millions of people will get small growths on their skin. These growths are benign, and do nothing more than look unsightly. They are known as skin tags, and they can appear on the neck, nose, under arms, groin area, waistline, and many other locations. They are small, raised, platforms that are often times confused as warts, but they are not. They can occur in men, women, and children, and can be linked to a variety of medical conditions. They can be removed through the help of a dermatologist, or can be helped with home remedies. Some individuals may have high sugar and high cholesterol foods often, and may think that they contribute directly to tags. The answer isn’t as simple as a “yes” or “no”. However, there are a few things that should be considered in this regard.

Causes of Skin Tags In Brief

In order to get to the bottom of the question, one has to learn what the root medical causes are in regard to skin tag growth. One of the main issues that you’ll find in relation to sugar and cholesterol is what they do in the body. If you have too much sugar, you’ll have insulin resistance. When that occurs, the hormonal imbalance in the body can cause circulation problems. That is a culprit of skin tags. Aside from that, you may end up pre-diabetic or have type 2 diabetes, both of which can lead to skin tag growth along the body, as the skin’s circulatory element is taking a hit.

Aside from this issue, you may find that a link between obesity and skin tags is known. This is due in large part to the weight gain that comes from eating high sugar, and high cholesterol foods often. If you’re eating these foods often enough, you are going to gain weight. When you gain weight, there are extra folds and creases in the skin. That can lead to having tags form, and it’s due to friction.

The Friction of Skin Cells

Skin that rubs against itself causes tags to form. While you may find that obesity and diabetes are main culprits for gaining weight, the issue is found to be a matter of friction. Friction occurs when dermis rubs against itself in a fold, crease, or any areas that you may have skin contact. This can occur in the groin area, neck, waistline, and other areas that skin begins to fold over, or rub against another area.

Without friction, it’s rare to get skin tags forming. However, it could happen. The bigger issue, however, is weight gain, and diabetes. You may have to contend with these medical issues if you’re eating improperly. Too many calories that are eaten through high sugar and high cholesterol foods will not suffice to help you gain the upper hand against skin tags. They are going to cause them to form, and that’s something that is not going to sit well with you in the long term. It’s best to eat a balanced diet and avoid these issues, as food can lead to tags, due to weight gain.