Are skin tags covered by insurance? What to do if not covered?

Skin tags are small growths that appear on the dermis. They are not difficult to manage, they are not painful, and they can occur to just about anyone. Whenever there’s friction on the dermis, meaning the skin rubs against itself, you’ll find a small growth may come up. There are some causes that are deeper than just the dermal irritation that comes through in most instances, but there’s a lot more to consider in this regard. When thinking about removal, you may want to see a professional. They will be able to assist; however, this is not something that may be covered by insurance, in some instances. To explore the issue, you’ll need to first understand what skin tags are, how they form, and what may be an underlying cause.

What Causes Skin Tag Formation?

The first thing to understand is simple. You will need to focus on the fact that tags are not dangerous, they are not going to hurt, they do not bleed, and they do not have discharge. They also do not cluster, or appear on the genitals in most cases. However, through HPV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases, you may find that this may be cause you need to ask a professional about. The main cause is the friction of the dermis. Wherever skin rubs against itself, you will see a small growth form in some instances.

Now, there are some underlying medical concerns that you may have to deal with. For instance, you could deal with problems such as diabetes, obesity, HPV infection, steroid use, pregnancy, and even allergic reactions. These issues can be aided by a professional, and can definitely give you a treatment that can help with the issues that you may have beyond skin tags.

What About Insurance Coverage?

If you have medical insurance, you can visit a primary care physician and often just pay your copay. That’s it. They can offer a prescription that you can take home and apply to the skin tags, and they will fall off. Or they can take care of them in office. If they take care of them in the office, your insurance may not cover some of the procedures, as tags are often not medical concerns, they are topical and cosmetic. However, that’s not something that should stop you from asking an opinion about the tags and the root cause.

What If Insurance Doesn’t Cover Skin Tags?

For those that do not have insurance or their insurance doesn’t cover the removal or diagnostics, you can pay out of pocket. Or you could use home remedies to remove these. Things like topical solutions can work. The most common topical options include apple cider vinegar, acne medication, hemorrhoid cream, tea tree oil, and other essential oils. You will apply these things directly to the skin tag, and let them dry out the core of the tag. It will fall away, and you will not have a scar, or any issue. You can also try other methods, such as wart remover, which seems to help many individuals. However, it should be covered by insurance.