Skin tags form on the skin of men, women, and children. They are not uncommon, and millions of people deal with this on a regular basis. You may find that it’s something that can come across your skin, including areas like your neck, waistline, underarms, and other isolated areas. If you get these coming out of your skin, especially your neck, you can remove them with several different solutions. In fact, you may not even need to go to a doctor to get this done. With that in mind, consider the following quick list of things you can do to ensure that you get rid of these with relative ease.
What Are Skin Tags Overall?
Before getting into how to get rid of tags, consider what these are. This is something that grows due to a variety of different solutions. You’ll find that this is something that is going to come up from the skin due to irritation. Skin friction is the culprit first. However, it’s something that you’re going to find problematic due to other medical concerns. In some instances, you may find that this is a problem due to obesity, diabetes, steroid use, pregnancy, and irritation of the dermis due to precious metals. When the skin has a problem, irritants can cause growths to form. Even on the neck, you may find that a crease, wrinkle, or fold could cause tags to come up.
Removing Skin Tags On The Neck
Now that you know a little bit about tags on your neck, consider what you can do to remove them. These options can be done at home. You don’t need to worry about going to a doctor, or anything along those lines. These are topical solutions that work well, and will help you gain the upper hand against skin tags overall.
Apple Cider Vinegar
The first solution that is often cited is that of apple cider vinegar. This is something that you can apply on the tag itself, using a cotton ball. The cotton ball should have the vinegar on it, and then apply this to the tag. Do this 3 times a day, and you’re going to see the issue fall away with relative ease.
Tea Tree Oil
Another solution that you’re going to work with is that of tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a traditional essential oil that works with skin irritations of all types. You’ll need to apply this directly to the tag, and will help you remove the issue within a few weeks. You can apply this 3 times a day, as well, and in weeks, it will help you get things removed.
Acne Medication
You may use acne medication to remove tags. These have medical elements that not only help clear up the dermis, but also helps the core dry out. When the core dries out, the tag falls away. You can apply this directly to the tags, and within a short time, they will fall away.
If these things do not work, you may need to call a physician to help with a prescription solution. They may be able to help if things get too difficult.