Best surgeries and operations to remove skin tags – Surgical removal of fibroma molles

Skin tags are unsightly, benign growths that can rise up out of the tissue. Your dermis is made up of several layers, and when collagen cells are pressured, irritation can lead to a growth. This occurs when skin rubs against other dermal tissue. It can occur on the eyelids, ears, neck, genital areas, and anywhere the body has creases or folds. In most instances, these do not cause any pain, or issue, but there are some cases that require medical attention to help clear up. In those instances, a dermatologist will work with patients in a surgical capacity. Focusing on the best surgeries to remove skin tags or fibroma molles can not only deliver peace of mind, it can help with ensuring these skin issues do not come back.

What Causes Skin Tags?

Before getting into the surgeries to consider for removal of skin tags, it’s important to understand what the root causes are. The most common issue that people find is that obesity and diabetes can be a leading cause of these issues. As people gain weight rapidly, the skin folds and creases and can rub against other skin elements. That can lead directly to having growths sprout in those regions. Aside from obesity and diabetes, HPV infection, allergic reactions, and heredity come into play. Whatever the root cause, you may want to remove them with professional help, which is why a specialist should be consulted.

Laser Removal

The most common surgical solution to remove tags is laser removal. This is a simple procedure that uses a higher-powered laser on the skin and literally burn the item off. It is painless, easy to work with, and can be administered in one office visit. Most people see immediate results, with little to no discomfort.

Lancing With Scalpel

The next solution is more traditional. A doctor can lance the tag with a scalpel. Local anesthetic will be applied and with a quick swipe, the tag will be removed to the dermal tissue level. Then a prescription cream will be applied, and a band aid will cover the area. Within a few days, it will be fully healed, without scarring or issue.


Just like warts, skin tags can be frozen. This is a method that is painless, and requires a special liquid element to be applied to the tag itself. Once the freezing commences, the items fall off naturally, without pain, or incident. This is a fast solution that can be done in an office, and in some instances with a home kit.

These are the most common procedures that are given by doctors. In rare cases, a person may need a deeper incision, but it’s not common. As tags are usually benign, it’s a simple process to visit a dermatologist and get the tags removed surgically. Either through lancing, freezing, or burning with a laser. Each option is non-intrusive, doesn’t hurt, and can remove the issue within a few minutes. Healing from the removal can take a few hours to a couple of days, and will not usually garner any follow up visits or extra removal solutions.