Can bowel cancer cause a skin tag outbreak?

There are a lot of different signs that occur when you have cancer. Some things are somewhat simple to diagnose, and other things are difficult to manage. In the case of bowel cancer, you may find that there are some skin signs that could very well be a sign that something is wrong. Before getting into that, you’ll need to know that one of the signs could be skin tags. Skin tags are not traditionally linked to cancer cells, but there are some medical elements that should be noted in regard to this issue. Do not panic, as not all tags are associated with this problem, and a grand majority or in fact benign.

What Are Skin Tags?

Skin tags are non-cancerous cell growths that appear on the top of the skin. It’s something that can appear on the neck, ears, nose, waistline, groin, and armpits. Anywhere the body has skin that is loose, creases, or has a fold, can get this. It’s a problem that is mainly associated with friction of the dermis. Anywhere the skin rubs against itself, is a root cause that can develop tags overall. Aside from this, you’ll find that people that are obese, have diabetes, are pregnant, or have HPV infection can also get these issues.

In most cases, these are not signs of cancer. They simply are a matter of skin irritation and the dermis rubbing against itself. Nothing more. However, in the case of cancers, you may need to know what to look for, and when to call for a helping hand. Only a doctor can diagnose cancerous cell growths, but tags on their own, are not part of the issue, as they are benign. With very few exceptions.

Bowel Cancer and Skin Tags

Bowel cancer effects millions of people, and it starts inside the body. Skin tags do form as a result of the changes that are happening inside the body, but the tags only appear around or just beneath the anus. The appearance of these are not dangerous, and you will find that in most instances, you will not feel any pain, or discomfort, but you will notice that there are tags. These tags can become irritated if pulled, touched, or scratched. Since there is a growth of mutated cells in the bowel, the body can push out tags as a result of skin friction.

Getting Diagnosed

You have to visit a doctor to figure out if you do in fact have cancer of the bowels. This is not something that goes away alone. Skin tags in and around the anus can be a sign that you have something seriously wrong. A doctor can diagnose and treat the issue, but they can also figure out if you do not have the issue at all. Some people will not have cancer as a result of skin tags around the anus, as it can occur due to a lot of other reasons. However, don’t wait, just get a second opinion on the matter, and see if it is in fact cancer. Skin tags themselves are not cancerous, mind you, but there are symptoms that are linked to cancerous elements, so get a helping hand.