Can u use Wartner on skin tags?

One of the misconceptions about skin tags is that they are warts. The two issues are not the same, but they may appear to be similar. The reason why they are mistaken is because they look somewhat similar on the surface of the skin, and therefore they get tied together. Understanding how they may appear similar, and how they are different can help in determining whether or not one needs to see a doctor. However, in the case of removing the issue, there are some home care options to consider. If you have skin tags and want to get rid of them, you may wonder if you can use options like Wartner. The short answer is, yes, but the longer answer is going to require a little bit of investigation.

Skin Tags Are Not Warts

First and foremost, you should know that warts are not the same as skin tags. Tags on the skin are the result of friction that comes through from creases, and folds in the dermis. When a person gains weight, loses weight, or has insulin resistance, the circulation and collagen are effected. That can lead to an irritation of the skin as it rubs against other dermal layers and proceeds to raise the skin forming a tag. That tag is not contagious, it’s not painful, and will not have a discharge.

In regard to warts, however, they may start out looking like tags, but they can come in clusters and could very well cause problems that are beyond simple friction. Warts are associated with HPV, and sexually transmitted diseases. In order to remove these, one can go with a variety of different options, but if the root cause is an STI, then a doctor will need to prescribe a medication to help thwart break outs along the genitals. Infections of HPV and other STD’s may not be cured, but breakouts and containment may be possible. Aside from that, warts can still be removed, and if they are not part of an STI, can be isolated so that they do not return.

Removing Skin Tags With Wartner

Moving forward, you’ll find that there are a lot of home care products for the removal of warts. One of the more popular solutions is that of Wartner. This is a solution that comes in a variety of different formats, including a pen, a topical roll on, and even a gel. The purpose of this solution is to freeze the skin element and have it fall off. It’s fast, easy to use, and is in fact safe to use on skin tags. In order to use this, you’ll need to apply the product directly to the skin tag, and wait for 30 minutes. That should be enough for the ingredients to penetrate and help removing the tag. In some instances, you’ll need to apply the fix more than once, but it is safe and can be used on tags. If the tag is stubborn, or simply doesn’t go away after several attempts, a professional may be sought to figure out if the issue is deeper than just a benign skin tag problem.