How to eliminate skin tags on your wrist, back, shoulder, bum, inner thigh, under the belly and armpits?

Skin tags may form across a variety of different areas of the skin. In the case that you have a growth on the wrist, back, shoulder, bum, inner thigh, under the belly, or armpits, you may want to focus on how to remove them without incident. In nearly every instance where this issue may manifest, you’ll find that you do not need to visit a doctor. You can use a few self-care options to ensure that you are able to remove these without much pain or intrusion. However, you should know what the root causes are, and how to avoid these from reforming. In rare instances, you may need to see a doctor, but that’s not always the case.

Focusing On Tags

The skin is made up of several layers of dermal tissue. When the layers of skin are irritated beyond the surface, collagen, and blood may cause a small overgrowth rise. These growths occur and create what known as skin tags. They are small irregular shaped elements that rise above the skin, and out. They are often mistaken for zits, but they do not have a head that can be popped. They can be scratched, or removed by force, but it’s rare for them to bleed, hurt, or spread.

The root causes associated with this skin problem is varied. The first main cause is simple, obesity. Gaining weight and losing weight swiftly can cause skin to fold and cause skin irritation, including tags. Pregnant women, those with HPV, steroid usage, and even allergic reaction can cause tags to form as well. Whatever the case may be, no matter what the root cause may be, skin tags can be removed naturally, and with over the counter solutions. If the following solutions do not work, a doctor may assist.

Self-Care Removal of Skin Tags

The following methodologies are topical. That means that you will need to apply these to the tags that you have, upwards of 3 times a day so that they absorb the elements and dry out naturally. If applied in a timely fashion, you’ll find that these tags will drop off naturally, without a scar.

Essential Oils

Tea tree, garlic, lemon, and oregano essential oils are amidst the most common topical options. These are applied to the skin with a cotton ball, and the anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, and anti-irritants will come through the dermis and within a few weeks remove tags overall.

Banana Peels

Eat a banana, then use the peel’s interior on the tag itself. The inside of the banana will help moisturize your skin, but also help the tag fall off naturally. This should be done once a day, for several days, allowing the peel’s interior to penetrate. You can cut a small piece and simply tape it to the area overnight if need be.

Ginger Root

You can take ginger and cut it, then rub the root on the skin tags. The root has an anti-inflammatory property that will help the tag fall off due to the strength of the ginger. It doesn’t take much to get this to work, just simply rub it on the skin.

In rare instances, you may need to see a doctor. If there’s pain, discharge, or clusters of tags, call a dermatologist and get a helping hand.