How to identify and differentiate plantar warts, moles and skin tags?

Skin disorders can occur to just about anyone today. Men, women, and children may all face off against this at one point or another. You may find yourself dealing with this issue overall, and it’s not difficult to manage if you know what you’re looking at. The most common issues that people are going to find is that of plantar warts, moles, and skin tags. These are all different, yet they may appear to be similar at times. With that in mind, consider a few notes in regard to each of these, and what you will want to explore in each instance.

What Are Plantar Warts?

Warts are small raised platforms that appear on the dermis. They can be painful, discharge, and are linked to viral infections. Millions of people have warts on their skin, and they do not realize that it’s linked to a virus. In many instances, you can get topical solutions to clean these up. Over the counter options work well for this, and you can apply the solution directly to the wart. The wart will fall away and you’ll be left with clear skin. Warts that keep coming back may be due to a viral infection that will need to be treated by a dermatologist, or a medical professional in general. They can address the underlying cause overall.

Moles On The Skin

The next skin issue that you may have is that of moles. Moles are irregular or round shaped items that are on the skin. They can be flat, they can be raised, and could very well just be normal. In most instances, these are benign, and do not cause much issue. However, if the mole changes color or mutates, you may need to see a doctor as that’s a sign of skin cancer. Moles are not dangerous, necessarily, but a dermatologist can determine whether you have something that is going to turn dangerous. Usually, moles can be lanced, if there is probable cause for issues down the line.

What About Skin Tags?

Skin tags are nothing to be concerned with in most instances. These are benign growths that appear on top of the dermis. They are not cancerous, they do not hurt, they do not bleed, and do not cause much issue in most cases. People of all ages and backgrounds can get this. The main issue here is that of friction of the skin. When the skin comes in contact with itself due to folds, or creases, the issue brings up a small raised plateau. That plateau is unsightly, and cosmetic in nature. While there are some medical concerns that you may need to consider in this instance, most often, the issue can be removed with the same options you would use for warts. In most cases, you will not need to see a doctor for these.

As you can see, each skin issue is different. Each one can be diagnosed and removed by a professional if need be. However, in most instances, you’ll find that things are easy to manage, with self-care.