How to remove skin tags fast in 3 days?

Skin tags spring up overnight, it seems. It’s something that can occur across any age. Whether you have a kid or you are dealing with tags on your own, you’ll find that removing this is difficult to manage. Most often, skin tags are not painful, but there are some individuals that can have skin irritation, and more due to this issue. Whatever the case may be, this irritation on the skin requires a bit of work to get rid of, whether you look at medical options or holistic solutions. If you want to work with natural options, there are a few solutions that can help you remove skin tags in 3 days, according to many holistic websites. Doctors can help you remove these fast, but they can be painful, which is why you may want to look into the following options, focusing on natural solutions instead of pharmaceutical routes.

Apple Cider Vinegar Solution

The first option that gets mentioned a great deal is apple cider vinegar. This is a solution that is going to help you gain the upper hand against tags. This type of vinegar seeps into the skin. The dermis reacts positively to the topical option, and eventually dries out the skin and helps with removing the unsightly skin issue, without scarring, or scratching. This type of vinegar is used in reversing the signs of aging, as well, which is why it works for this irritated skin problem.

How To Get Rid of Tags Fast

In order to get things moving fast, within 3 days, you’ll need to first wash your skin, and dry it completely. It has to be clean, and dry for this to work. You’ll want to take the apple cider vinegar, and use a cotton swab or a cotton ball and soak it slightly with the vinegar. Once you do this, place it on your skin. You want to ensure that you keep it on the skin, and then add a band aid or some medical tape. You want the solution to keep on the tag overnight, or at least 12 hours if you’re doing this in the day. You will need to do this twice a day, matching 24 hours, and you need to do this for exactly 3 days. If done correctly, you’ll find that the skin will dry out and the tag will drop off fast.

Other Options

There are other solutions that people swear by, and they could work in 3 days. Some of the mixtures that get attention in contrast to vinegar include vitamin E, tea tree, oregano, garlic, and coconut oils. These are options that require you to follow the same method mentioned above. These oils not only help penetrate the dermis, it helps dry out the tag from the inside out, and eventually fall off. It’s imperative that you do not scrape, or scratch the skin cells. Scratching is going to cause issues, and make matters worse, so don’t go that route. Use the oils, or vinegar and make sure that you work with this for 3 days straight. In most instances, this will work, fast.