How to remove skin tags using finger nail polish?

When it comes to fixing certain skin problems, you may have to look at unlikely resources. One such solution that you may be surprised by is that of finger nail polish. This may sound odd, but it could very well give you the upper hand against skin tags. This is something that you will no doubt want to test out, but you should take a few precautions before using this option for your skin tags, especially if they are located in sensitive areas. With that in mind, consider a few notes before figuring out how to remove skin tags using finger nail polish.

What Are Skin Tags?

There are a number of ways to define this issue, but to keep it simple, they are growths that appear on the dermis. They are raised platforms that are harmless, and do not pose much of a threat. They occur due to friction between the dermis. When skin rubs against itself due to a crease or fold, you’ll find that a growth may appear there. They are usually solitary, but can be grouped together. In some instances, they can be a result of insulin resistance, HPV, allergic reaction, tight fitting clothing, and heredity.

It is rare to have skin tags mutate, bleed, hurt, or need a doctor’s attention. If they are located in the pubic area, or even on genitals, then you may have to see a specialist. They may or may not be warts, which are often confused as tags. There is a difference between the too, and the solution to get rid of each will differ.

Removing Skin Tags Properly

In order to get rid of skin tags, you’ll need to dry out the core and allow the tag to fall away naturally. This is not a difficult task. However, you’ll find that a lot of solutions can take a great deal of time to see results. That’s why many individuals look for solutions that are a little left of center. That’s where you will find finger nail polish as a solution.

Finger nail polish has a variety of chemicals that can be safe if applied topically to the skin. You’ll need to utilize clear options, of course, and you’ll need to place it on areas that are not sensitive. Do not place this solution around the eyes, or mouth, for instance. You can place it on non-sensitive areas like under arms, on the neck, and even on the waistline. You can apply this once a day and let it dry.

The solution will eventually dry out the core of the tag and things will fall off naturally. It will not be painful, you will not have to deal with a return, and you won’t need to see a doctor to get help with this issue. It’s an easy fix, and many people will find this to work well. If for whatever reason it doesn’t work, even after several weeks, it may be time to see a doctor. Sometimes tags are confused for other skin growths, which is why it’s important to monitor the progress.