How to use apple cider vinegar as a good home remedy for skin tags?

There are a number of options that you can utilize to help you with skin tags. Once you understand what these are, and how you can use home remedies to clear them out, you won’t have to worry about these every again. One of the many solutions that you’ll find to be a good fit is that of apple cider vinegar. Before getting into how to use this, first, consider a little bit about skin tags, and how they form.

Understanding Skin Tags

Tags on the skin are formed when there is friction amidst the dermis. When your skin rubs against itself, it can form a small polyp, or tag. This is benign, doesn’t hurt, doesn’t bleed, and is often mistaken for warts or even acne. In most instances, these are nothing more than cosmetic. The eyesore can become problematic because it can be on areas of the face, neck, under the arms, and even pubic region.

These elements can also form as a result of maladies, nutritional deficiencies, and even allergic reaction to certain stimuli. Whatever the case may be, you’ll find that the majority of issues related to skin tag formation, doesn’t need a doctor’s visit. You simply need to know how to use home remedies to your advantage.

Using Apple Cider Vinegar To Remove Skin Tags

The most prominent solution to get rid of tags on the skin is found with apple cider vinegar. This is an anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, and nutritional element that you’re going to apply directly to the skin. In order to use this correctly, you’ll need to be patient, as this doesn’t work with one dose.

You’ll need to purchase apple cider vinegar, and cotton balls.

Once you have these items, you can start to use this remedy to help you get rid of skin issues safely. Get your vinegar and apply it to a cotton ball, then dab the skin tag with the liquid. Apply the vinegar directly to the top of the tag, and do so 3 times a day. Do this for up to 12 days, every day, and you’ll find that the skin issue will dry up naturally, and you’ll see results come through with relative ease.

The thing about this method is that you’ll need to be patient. It may take longer than 12 days, depending on what the root of the tag is connected to. You have to remember that your dermis is made up of several layers. The vinegar takes time to penetrate all layers, and reach the core of the skin. Once you get the topical solution into the core, you’ll find that the skin tag will fall away without issue.

When To Call A Doctor

If by putting apple cider vinegar on skin tags over time doesn’t work, and you see your tags turning bloody, changing color, or starting to hurt, contact a dermatologist. They can help you figure out what the root cause, and prescribe a topical solution. They can also eliminate the tags in their office. However, in most instances, you won’t need medical attention as home remedies work fine for tags.