Is it safe and ok to use Compound W Freeze for skin tags removal?

Men, women, and children get irritated skin from time to time. Often it results in rash, discomfort, and redness. In some extreme cases, it can lead to chronic conditions, and a doctor will be needed to help alleviate the issue. There are some problems with the skin that aren’t so harsh, including bumps, or growths that are known as skin tags. Tags on the skin can appear in a variety of different areas, and are commonly the result of the skin cells rubbing against one another in a crease, or fold. There are several causes that can be attributed to this, but in most cases, these are benign and should not raise too much concern.

The Root Causes and Symptoms

Before getting into how to remove these, and whether or not substances like Compound W Freeze is going to help, it’s imperative to know the root causes and symptoms that cause these issues. The main reason why the skin develops a growth is that the collagen around certain areas becomes pushed out. This can occur due to the blood vessels becoming constricted, or pushed. This can also be an indication that a person is obese, has diabetes, is pregnant, has HPV, or has been using steroids. In other instances, this can be the result of an allergic reaction to jewelry, fabric, or even detergent.
Symptoms associated with this issue can be small outgrowths on the skin. In severe cases these may be painful, can bleed, and can cause irritation when moving around, sitting, etc. Most often, however, they do not hurt, and aren’t problematic at all.

Removal of Skin Tags

It is common for people to visit dermatologists to get tags removed from the skin. This is down through a variety of in-patient methods. Most of them require freezing, cutting, or pulling the tags. In one visit, they can be removed, and the after care is subtle, and is not intrusive in any way. There are some techniques that do not require an office visit, and that’s where you may find Compound W Freeze.

What Is Compound W Freeze?

This is a solution that many people use to remove warts. However, the manufacturer has gone on record to associate this solution with an option that could remove skin tags as well. The compound is placed on the tags topically, and the medication penetrates the dermis, allowing for the tag to fall off safely, without incident. In many instances, this can help remove issues within a few days, if not a week. In extreme cases, however, it may take longer for the issue to be fully eradicated.

To answer the question, is this solution safe, the short of it is yes. However, one must be careful when putting this on the skin. Do not put it around the mouth or eyes, and applications should follow the directions of the manufacturer. It should also be discontinued if the tags get worse, start to bleed, or spread to other regions of the body. A doctor may be needed if things get worse.