Is it safe to cut off, slicing off or ripped off skin tags with a string thread of dental floss, razor or scissors?

Growths on the skin that are benign in nature are often referred to as tags. Skin tags are usually nothing to be concerned about, except that they don’t look great when they appear. The most common reason why these form is because skin rubs against other dermal tissue, and can occur across the body. Amidst the most common locations for these issues include, underneath the arms, on the neck, under breasts, and even genitals. As stated, most often these issues are benign and are not cause for alarm. However, there are some extremes that could develop. In the rare instances that things get worse, a doctor can diagnose the issue and offer different options to help heal things properly.

What Causes Skin Tags?

There are several causes and symptoms that you should know about before you decide to take matters into your own hands. Tags are due to blood vessels causing thickness and growth to the dermis. The dermal tissue will raise due to folds of the skin, and creases that develop due to many different maladies, and issues. The most common cause of this issue is obesity, and weight gain. They can grow often on people that have HPV, use steroids, gain weight rapidly, have diabetes, and much more. Allergic reaction could also be the root cause as well, which is something to consider as well.
As far as symptoms are concerned, you’ll find that the outgrowth of skin will look like a zit, but without a center that pops. It will be irregular, and may not be painful. There even may be a cluster around the armpit, or groin.

Removing Skin Tags

Moving forward, you may be curious as to how to remove these tags. You’ll need to understand that the most common solutions are over the counter. You can fix issues at home with natural solutions. You can also go to a doctor to get them removed as well. However, you’re going to find that many people will recommend using a razor, scissors, strings, or even dental floss as well. Is this safe? It’s something worth exploring, as it sounds like something you could do. In short, it’s not advised, but there are some that swear by it.

Safety Concerns With Skin Tag Removal

To answer the question a bit further, you need to understand that taking methods to the extreme can cause problems. While dental floss and string can tighten the tag and remove them, it is going to be painful. Shaving things off with sharp items can cause infections, and is not recommended. You’d have to really sterilize items that you use, and even then, you may find that the tag can get infected. It’s important to consider that when you do this. It’s best to use essential oils, or seek medical attention to remove these instead of trying to get extreme. If you utilize extreme measures, it could cause infections on the dermis. These elements are not worthwhile, but can remove the items, it’s just not always safe to go this route.