The human body is wrapped in a resilient, versatile, skin. The dermis (skin) is made up of several layers, and can take on a lot of issues. It’s something that is absolutely grand, but there are problems that can cause … READ MORE
Can the removal of 37 skin tags be done by electrosurgical destruction?
Skin tags are formations that come up from the dermis. They often are the result of skin friction. Whenever the dermis rubs against itself, you run the risk of getting this issue. It’s not a dangerous problem, doesn’t hurt, and … READ MORE
Can the Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Laser System cause or remove skin tags?
When it comes to skin issues, you’ll find that a dermatologist can apply a number of different solutions. One of the options that they utilize often is that of intense pulsed light, or IPL. This is a laser system that … READ MORE
Can the holistic acupuncture points put an end to skin tags?
Skin tags are benign growths that occur on the skin. You’ll find that you’re going to be dealing with a variety of issues that come with this, especially if you irritate the tags, scratch them, or try to remove them … READ MORE
Can the Bio Oil from Shoppers Drug Mart help me extinguish my skin tags?
There are a lot of individuals that will have skin tags over the course of their lives. You may see them come up overnight, and they may appear to be unsightly. They are not dangerous. They are benign growths that … READ MORE
Can sun exposure or sunburn damage cause skin tags?
Exposure to the sun could cause a variety of issues on the skin. When you step outside and the sun is shining, you may want to enjoy your day. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a bright day, but you’ll need … READ MORE
Can strong Lugol’s iodine solution (aqueous iodine) remove skin tags?
Skin tags are growths on the dermis that are benign. They do not hurt, they do not bleed, and in most cases, will not cause much more than a cosmetic issue. If you see them come up, do not panic, … READ MORE
Can stress and adrenal fatigue cause skin tags?
Skin tags come through the dermis on millions of people. They come through at any age. They occur in women, men, and children, all the same. You may find that this is something that you may see one morning, and … READ MORE
Can skin tags turn into moles? What are the differences?
Two skin conditions that may seem to be related, but are not are skin tags and moles. These are two skin conditions that could lead to pain, itching, and in some instances cancer. While they are different, you may find … READ MORE
Can skin tags appears on dark or black African American skin? How to deal with it?
Skin issues do not just occur in lighter skinned individuals. Darker skinned people of all backgrounds can have skin problems that arrange from sunburn to rashes and more. While the redness that a lighter skinned individual may not appear, the … READ MORE