Skin tags are something that millions of people will have to see at one point or another. They may appear out of the blue, or they can slowly develop due to a variety of medical issues. You may find that you have skin tags forming on your skin, and may not be sure what the root cause may be. If you see any sort of skin issue that is related to tags, you don’t have to worry in most instances. Understanding what they are, and how to get rid of them will help you get peace of mind overall. With that in mind, consider the following breakdown of what tags are.
Skin Tags In Brief
The issue of skin tags can affect just about anyone. It’s a matter of collagen being pushed through the dermis. The dermal tissue gets irritated, usually due to friction with itself, and a small mound forms. That mound can seem unsightly, but it’s rarely anything more than cosmetic. Whenever skin rubs against itself, you’ll find that you are going to find that this issue can occur. You don’t have to worry about it, however, as it’s traditionally benign, and nothing that is going to cause a lot of issue. It’s cosmetic, mostly.
Root Causes of Skin Tags
There are some issues that can be attributed to getting skin tags, especially if you start to see them across the body. If you out of the blue, get some tags, you may be dealing with some medical problems. For instance, you’ll find that obesity, diabetes, pregnancy, HPV infection, heredity, steroid use, and even allergic reaction can be to blame. These issues are not going to be taken away if you remove tags, which is something to remember overall. You have to remember that these root causes are a deeper problem that you’ll need to work out, not just remove tags.
Why One Gets Many Skin Tags Out of The Blue
The major reasons why you may be experiencing problems with skin tags is associated with hormonal shifts. Hormonal changes are the main reason why you may be dealing with this problem. Hormone shifts at any age can cause the skin tissue to get irritated as the circulatory system and the dermal tissue starts to react to the changes. As such, you may have creases, folds, or heat that goes to the dermis, causing a little bit of pressure that leads to mounds or skin tags.
There are some individuals that will get tags across the body, including the pubic region. If you see a lot of these coming around the pubic area, you may have HPV infection. This is a sexually transmitted issue that you are not going to be able to heal naturally. You’ll need to get a helping hand from a doctor, getting a prescription to help with outbreaks.
In some instances, you may be mistaking skin tags for warts, or other options. Warts, and other skin issues can come up from the skin, overnight, and often throughout the skin. If you aren’t sure what’s going on, see a doctor.